Wednesday, March 2, 2011

a few random panels

Here are a few random panels of some pages I am working on. Unfortunately this is another top secret project so I can't show entire pages.

Inked with PITT pens, Pentel Pocket Brush and a few regular brushes and ink.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Comic book art update THE SLEEP

Wondering why I haven't posted much recently? well, THE SLEEP.

No, I haven't been sleeping but I've been working on a comic book project with writer Stephen Tramontana titled The SLEEP. It's been a bit top secret so I've had to keep it under wraps.

The project has been an incredible journey as I've brought Stephen's fantastic script to the comic book page. I can't really say much about the project as it is still in production and I don't want to spoil anything but I can tell you it is exciting, fun and a little creepy, too.

Stephen Tramontana has been a joy to work with and is an incredible writer with some big story visions, a great collaborator who has given me freedom to explore his story visually and just an overall nice guy. You can follow him on Twitter @Trama80.

JM Rinquet color work has blown me away and is a perfect match for the world of THE SLEEP and sets a great mood and tone. I love the texture that he adds to the pages. I am very happy to be working with him.

Here are a few pages showing the transition from pencils and inks and ink washes (by yours truly) to awesome colors by JM Rinquet

Hope you enjoy and I can't wait to share more about THE SLEEP.